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  • Writer's picturesharonkingston

Earth, Sea & Sky

For the months of November and December I will be exhibiting with Laurie Potter and Rob Vetter in a group show titled Earth, Sea & Sky.  All three of us ” landscape painters” are inspired by our local surroundings, but with different ways of expressing and interpreting our relationship with the land.  Laurie is an award winning pastelist who has recently turned to acrylic painting and you can see her technical mastery of blending and layering color in her newest “vista” paintings.  Rob is most certainly influenced by the Group of Seven, both in palette and in simplification of form with a painterly application of his medium.  And then me, influenced primarily by poetry, atmosphere and light.  It’ll be a fantastic showcase of work.

I’ve begun work on a new series of paintings I’m calling “elemental” for this exhibit which opens November 4th.  Exploring perception and memory (I’m using no source material at all for these paintings) and inspired by this quote by Edgar Allen Poe:  “Were I called on to define, very briefly, the term art, I should call it “the reproduction of what the senses perceive in nature through the veil of the mist”.  Again utilizing abstracted and atmospheric landscapes to combine the subjective aesthetic and sensory appeal of abstract painting with the emotional appeal of landscape painting, I will use layers of transparency and gradations of color and a minimalism of form to paint nature and light.  Hoping, as always, to say something meaningful with paint on canvas.

Elemental III, 18 x 18 in, oil on canvas

Elemental II, 18 x 18 in, oil on canvas

Elemental I, 18 x 18in, oil on canvas

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