Simon Mace Gallery, Port Townsend, WA Saturday, January 7, 2012 (photo by kristin loffer theiss)
I’ve been ferrying around these last few weeks delivering paintings and attending openings. Last night my family and I took the Keystone Ferry from Coopeville to Port Townsend for first Saturday in Port Townsend: a delightful town with a wonderfully vibrant group of art appreciators. My works–seven paintings–were part of a group exhibit at the new Simon Mace Gallery titled Tasting Menu, Second Course (the first course was the inaugural December exhibit). Christina and Brad Mace have created a space every artist dreams of exhibiting in on Taylor Street in Port Townsend that, last night, was alive with energy and art lovin’. I have the pleasure of sharing the walls with David Ridgway, Jeff Weekley and Victor Sandblom with sculptural works by Chris Theiss and David Eisenhower. Many of these artists were in attendance for the opening and it was quite wonderful to meet and talk with them, as well as the really supportive and interesting local community. Asked many times if I was local–I somewhat wished I were… The exhibit will continue through January 30th.