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  • Writer's picturesharonkingston

This Week’s To Paint List

I will be showing along side sculptor Francie Allen at the July Juried Artist Exhibit at Allied Arts. Francie creates these fabulous life size figurative pieces out of chicken wire and paper mache. Most of her work will hang in the center of the space, which means I have a lot of walls to fill. I was feeling okay about my progress towards finishing pieces for this show…until last week when 2 (and maybe another) of the Reading Rilke paintings sold. So, back to being very disciplined and thinking about a deadline. Last week while my kids were out of school for spring break and my husband and I juggled schedules, I did make progress on some new work. I’ll post photos as these paintings near completion. I’m excited about The Vast Unsayable (a cloudscape), Stepping Away from Safety (a study in reflections), and a tryptic yet untitled but referencing how with ending something new begins. Maybe less blogging and more painting is in order, ha!

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